
We partner with SAP, AWS, Microsoft, Google and other global technology leaders.


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Lemongrass is a software-enabled services provider, synonymous with SAP on Cloud.



How to write an SAP-Centric RFP for Public Cloud

Lemongrass Live: Perfect Procurement

In the world of agile, scalable, and constantly evolving cloud providers such as AWS, traditional RFP templates simply don’t work. Equally, the perceived risks across downtime, migrations, and operations are probably not what you think.

Cloud models also introduce a whole new category of business benefits that are rarely considered in formal processes spanning agile financials, DevOps operations, Automation optimization, to name a few.

Asking the right questions ensures you make the right decisions.

In this interactive discussion, we shed some light on the common RFP issues we have experienced to help you ask the right questions.

  • Cloud-enabled RFPs – we'll cover the additional questions and topics you should be scoring
  • Common mistakes – asking old questions of new technology
  • Operations – A migration is a one-time event, ensure your operational review can keep up with Cloud innovation across financials, technical updates, automation without getting locked in


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